About quality and texture - The master cylinder guard from SP Takegawa is made from billet aluminium with precision machining and a silver anodized surface finish while the quality from the overall fit and finish is perfect.About the feeling of use - The wonderful design and finish of the master cylinder guard does wonders increasing the appeal of the Monkey 125 by covering the original plain and less then ideal master cylinder from Honda.Products to buy together - A key product to purchase to further increase the appeal of the Monkey 125 by the removal of more of the original parts, would be the noticably large front fork guards that are available in a slimmer aluminium finish from a few aftermarket suppliers.Difficulty of installation - The installation of the master cylinder guard is a simple task that took 0.1 of an hour to complete. common sense and the use of basic hand tools is all that is required to secure the guard onto the master cylinder.Cost performance and comparison with other products - I find the cost of all the products SP Takegawa sell to be on par when compared to what most other companies sell their products for and the master cylinder guard is no different.About shipping and packaging - With there being no cost difference between sea freight and EMS for the master cylinder guard, I chose EMS for a earlier arrival date. The part was extremely well protected while being covered in bubble wrap and surrounded with air pillows in a sturdy cardboard box.Any concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasing - For my location, purchasing specialty products like this from Webike Japan is the only option. There are a few local stores selling parts for the Grom but the range is very basic.
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[Material]Aluminium Cut-out med anodiserad finish
*- När du installerar den på Dio110 (JF58) , är det nödvändigt med viss bearbetning av kåpan eftersom den stör strålkastarkåpan.
- Om du installerar till PCX, även om ram nr. säg "JF28", det kan inte installeras på PCX (JF28-1100001 ~)..
Huvudcylinderskydd x 1
Hylskruv (4x14) x 2 (00-00-0646)
Manuell :japansk
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SP Takegawas onlinekatalog (Japanska).
Huvudcylinderskyddet skyddar huvudcylindertanken på den hydrauliska frambromsen och kopplingen.
Det minskar risken för skador på huvudcylindern vid fall.
Skyddets kropp är precisionsbearbetad aluminium för att säkerställa tillräcklig väggtjocklek, medan skyddets centrum är djärvt klippt ut och har en komplex form, vilket framhäver skönheten i bearbetningsprocessen.
Den färganodiserade ytan skyddar inte bara huvudcylindern utan förstärker också utklädningseffekten vid installation.
Lasermärkning av SP Takegawa-logotyp.
* If there may be an instruction manual included, it will be written in Japanese.